食品科技產品-銀髮族需求Food Technology Products – Demands of Senior Citizens 食品科學系 謝寶全 終身特聘教授 說明: 本國65歲以上人口在民國110年即高達16.5%,老年人的健康也是家庭和社會的重要財富。而保健食品就是保持健康的重要方式之一。本次參展產品大屏科一號中含有薑、蒜、香檬、檸檬、蘋果醋等天然成分,絕無添加其他化學成分,具有提升免疫力抵抗病毒、降低人體的發炎反應、促進血液循環,提高身體代謝率等功效,為您的健康和長壽提供最好的保障。 在疫情來襲的情況下,抵抗病毒入侵成為人類的新挑戰,因此針對此項需求加以研發,薑具有抗發炎、抗氧化、抗凝血等功效;蒜含有豐富的含硫胺基酸和大蒜素,可以促進血液循環、預防血管硬化、防止血栓形成;果醋含有豐富的維生素和胺基酸,可有效提高免疫力,還含有豐富的維生素C,進一步提升抗氧化力;更利用台灣特有的香檬含有檸烯,能讓大腦達到放鬆效果,同時也有助於促進血液循環,還能促使免疫細胞活化,並以長時間熬煮、濃縮,使原料的精華都萃取出來,透過稀釋飲用就能幫人體提升免疫力抵抗病毒入侵,促進血液循環、血管栓塞,預防老年人常見的心血管疾病,讓自己及家人擁有安心及健康的生活。 展品簡介: 青梅枇杷膏 根據研究顯示,青梅具殺菌作用且改善生理體質等十六種功效,為強力之鹼性食品;而枇杷具清熱潤肺及化痰功效,故長期飲用可清涼解渴、潤喉、促進唾液分泌之發生。 屏科大一號 本國65歲以上人口在民國110年即高達16.5%,老年人的健康也是家庭和社會的重要財富。而保健食品就是保持健康的重要方式之一。本產品中含有薑、蒜、檸檬、蘋果醋等天然成分絕無添加其他化學成分,具有提升免疫力抵抗病毒、降低人體的發炎反應、促進血液循環,提高身體代謝率等功效,為您的健康和長壽提供最好的保障。 麝香貓咖啡 以生物科技發酵黃金曼特寧咖啡豆。產品以分離自麝香貓糞便之菌株,經香氣分析,純化出十幾種乳酸菌。豆子經恆溫恆濕發酵,製作出高品質環保衛生之麝香貓風味咖啡。是地球上有”屎”以來最香的便便咖啡。 專長:食品微生物學、醱酵食品學、微生物檢驗、機能性食品開發 聯繫方式: 08-7740489 #7434 以食品守護、保養人身~紅藜、紅豆Natural health care 食品科學系 蔡碧仁 教授 說明: 「紅豆」與「紅藜」,這兩項紅色食品,皆是以屏東為原鄉的產物,而屏科大蔡碧仁教授以其專長從食品守護、保養人身的角度,長期投入研究「穀類紅寶石」-台灣藜(紅藜)之研發,以其食品特性、益處研發而成「紅藜益生菌」、「紅藜代餐包」、「紅藜雪花片」等,讓紅藜發揮本身的價值,並以不同的食品形式讓民眾得以輕易攝取其營養。 紅豆(Vigna angularis)又稱Adzuki bean,是台灣常見的食用豆類之一,其產量以屏東地區最高,經研究發現紅豆除了營養豐富外,還含有許多機能性成分如多酚、膳食纖維、維生素B2、鐵等。惟其生物活性成分易受加工過程中的熱所破壞,蔡碧仁教授解決抗營養因子對營養吸收之影響,並藉此提升其生物活性成分含量研製而成「紅豆寶」,其不僅有豐富的營養成分,更透過特殊加工處理,可進一步有效的釋放更多生物活性成分,並有效提高其抗氧化能力。 展品簡介: 紅藜代餐包 以發芽紅藜及發芽糙米為主,添加豌豆蛋白、燕麥、薏仁、黑豆等。富含GABA胺基酸、穀類纖維與高SOD活性。 紅藜雪花片 以屏東所產紅藜芽、糙米芽與紅豆為主原料,富含胺基酸等營養成分,並保有紅藜風味與營養,適合添加在早餐飲品或甜點中。 胺豆力 以特殊技術大幅提升屏東紅豆中機能性成分之含量,如游離胺基酸、BCAA、精胺酸與七葉樹苷等,可滋補強身。 專長: 蔬果加工、生鮮處理、保健食品開發 聯繫方式: 08-7740408 或 08-7703202 #7115、7448 農業副資材利用開發「茶樹香氛洗手露系列產品」Utilization of agricultural auxiliary materials and development of “Tea tree fragrance hand soap series products” 科技農業學士學位學程 李佩璇 助理教授 說明: 近年來,以藥用植物做為抗微生物(抗菌)之研究越來越多,且近年來資源與能源的短缺、全球溫暖化、垃圾處理、環境賀爾蒙等環境問題已經在我們的生活中出現,為了解決這些問題,通過在各個階段(生產、消費、處置等)進行資源和產品的循環利用、減少資源和能源的消耗與廢物的產生等問題已經迫在眉梢。故本研究利用循環經濟的概念,並且通過農業副產物的循環來減少對環境的負擔來完成以上之目標。透過循環農業經濟將農業副產物再利用,達到廢棄物減少、再創經濟以及健康環境等目標。次外,近幾年雖然疫苗的出現對於疫情有緩和了許多,但世界各地時不時還會有集體染疫,新冠肺炎的傳染途徑是飛沫傳染、接觸傳染、空氣傳染等等,只要與感染者接觸就有很高的幾率染疫。在日常生活中人與人的接觸是不可缺少的,民以食為天出門購買平時要吃的食物就會接觸到形形色色的人,故本研究利用茶樹副產物再利用,利用茶樹具有抗菌之能力,將茶樹副產物放入50%乙醇、超音波萃取並且經由濃縮萃取的方式來萃取精油以及純露,並且讓農業副產物再利用產生更高的附加價值且可以減少環境汙染等問題。 展品簡介: 茶樹香氛洗手露 利用茶樹副產物再利用,茶樹具有抗菌之能力,將茶樹農業修枝後產生之副產物,以超音波輔助萃取並且經由濃縮萃取的方式來萃取精油以及純露,並且讓農業副產物再利用產生更高的附加價值且可以減少環境汙染等問題。 專長: 食品微生物、食品加工、農藝化學 聯繫方式: 0930708009 通用型水質檢測機器人Generic Water Quality Examination Robot 研究總中心 楊正輝 特聘級研究員 說明: 水是地球生物賴以為生的最重要資源。地球表面雖有70%是被水覆蓋,但人類可利用的淡水資源卻不足1%,而淡水資源又經常被人類的活動所污染,被污染的水體想恢復是非常困難,水質污染會進而影響整個生態系,因此進行水質監控是非常迫切。隨著人類開發活動需求,水資源不斷受到汙染,嚴重威脅整個生態系,水質監測是確保生態環境永續的最重要手段。 為了確保水質安全,各式各樣的檢測裝制及儀器設備,不斷推陳出新,以因應各行各業的需求。然而所有的解決方案,都還是大量依賴人力完成,而人為疏漏在所難免,導致水質安全問題,時有所聞,徒增民眾困擾。此外影響環境汙染巨大的排水系統汙染問題,由於相關監控設施功能不完備,使得不肖廠商,趁機偷排廢水,造成生態環境嚴重破壞。 本作品主要目的是藉由整合資通訊相關軟硬體技術,研發一種具備行動監控的水質量測系統,透過遙控方式,移動量測裝置,擴大監測範圍;控制取水深度,實現監測不同深度水質;控制取水及排水時間,避免感測器長期浸泡損壞;感測數據無線傳送儲存,降低管理人力需求,避免人為疏漏錯誤紀錄。 本作品未來應用極為廣泛,分別包括戶外及室內,戶外主要包括水產養殖產業,水域環境監控,水庫/集水區水質監測,河川水質監控,廢水排放監控及飲用水處理場域水質監控等;室內主要為食品、飲料、及相關化學及化工產業。 展品簡介: 藉由先進科技應用,配合新穎及實用設計,研發一套先進的量測裝置-行動監測平台,透過遙控方式自動控制量測位置、取水深度及吸取適量檢測水、並藉由無線通訊自動傳送量測數據、監測位置及影像、自動排放量測檢測水,實現可程式化及自動化量測,除了降低人力需求,免除感測器長期浸泡損壞。此外亦可透過事先設定,實現定時、定點量測,以及各種控制參數設定,及時完成各項預警通報。此外透過手機app各項功能包括設定、控制、監看、及查詢,實現遠端行動監控目標。整合監測位置、感測數據、及電子地圖,再輔以手機APP互動式操作介面,加速狀態及數據解讀,提升決策效率,確保環境永續。 專長: 智慧感測及行動監控物聯網 聯繫方式: 0953965305 可程式餵食監控系統Programmable Feeding Monitoring System 研究總中心 楊正輝 特聘級研究員 說明: 畜產業的主要產出為肉、乳、蛋之主要蛋白質來源,隨著人們對於生活品質要求逐漸提高,畜產品的需求也會隨著增加,影響也就相對深遠。在畜產業的經營中,飼料供給是相當重要的一環,是影響到收益的最關鍵成本。然而,目前多數的小規模畜產業仍停留在傳統的作業管理模式,也就是人工控管飼料供給量、供應時間點,並且依賴經驗法則來評估餵食情況、參數優化等等各種相關條件的調整,不但在人力成本的負擔較高,在面臨勞力老化、少子化的衝擊下,逐漸無法維持一定的產值,勢必需要引入其他更有效率、更節省勞力成本的科技化管理方案。 本作品旨在協助解決畜牧業餵食飼料管理問題。透過導入最新的資通訊技術,開發實體裝置,協助飼主改善流程,提升養殖效益。首先將現有作業流程電動化-飼料桶裝填及卸料作業自動監控、飼料量測自動化;數據管理資訊化-歷次餵食數據、控制訊息電子化;系統監控行動化-透過手機及電腦執行系統運作控制及管理(數據查詢及控制參數設定);操作介面圖形化-透過電子地圖查詢相關數據、以及統計圖表輸出。畜牧業整體作業環境略嫌分散,各項作業流程,連動性並不密切,相關數據整合最佳做法是導入行動通訊,亦即透過行動通訊技術進行數據、控制訊號、通報訊息、影像傳輸,以及儲存管理。整體系統運作以手機為核心,透過手機設定控制參數、接收相關數據、下達控制指令、觀看影像圖片、查詢歷史資料等,以實現動態及時監控功能。其次伺服主機擔負資料儲存及管理,兼顧定點監控及資料分析、以及效益評估為主。 本作品經實際測試,可以實現及時監控飼料桶的實際狀況,除了減省餵飼人力,同時精準記錄各項數據及影像,全面提升畜產業管理效益。 展品簡介: 畜禽及養殖產業透過飼料桶蓄存餵食飼料,已經是普遍的現象。以往都是透過人力進行餵飼及各項記錄。近年來餵飼品種及飼料種類逐漸增多且複雜,隨著少子化及勞力人口老化,加上工作環境不良,各種問題日益浮現,嚴重威脅國內產業的發展。本作品是藉由資通訊科技的軟硬體設計整合,研發創新餵飼監控系統,精準型飼料餵飼監控管理系統。整體特色功能,包括自動量測飼料桶剩料、滿料/缺料預警、量測點定位、雲端儲存、可程式控制設定、網路連線、圖形化輸出、數據、電子地圖及圖案結合、手機行動監控、互動式操作介面等。模組化設計,使用著依個別需求,自行彈性選配,滿足不同環境應用需求。 專長: 智慧感測及行動監控物聯網 聯繫方式: 0953965305 高強度耐高溫3D列印成型技術High Strength and High Temperature Resistant 3D Printing Technology 研究總中心-3D列印中心 鄭朝元 講師級研究員 說明: 3D列印技術逐漸成為業界可達到小型量產階段的主要應用技術,但礙於原材料強度不足與耐溫特性差,使得許多業界實務應用難以突破,使得創新發展有所侷限。本展出技術主要呈現以高強度材質搭配3D列印光固化技術,以及耐高溫技術,可使得3D積層製造的成品具備承受160度C的高溫環境能保持力學特性。本校3D列印中心,可以提供此項技術服務,使得需求應用於高強度與耐高溫的環境因素之廠商,可將設計技術有所突破,令產品發展應用更具進步性的發想。 本應用將能使廠商於應用上,適合置入高溫烘箱的成形治具延伸,熱風罩的設計應用,高溫日曬情境應用…等。 專長: 積層製造技術(FDM、SLA、DLP)、逆向工程掃描 聯繫方式: 08-7703202#8430
This project is oriented towards the mass production of the antibacterial ingredients of Echinacea and the development of health care products for mouthwash. The promotion goals include the establishment of extraction methods, antibacterial testing, and formula design testing.
This project is oriented towards the mass production of the antibacterial ingredients of Echinacea and the development of health care products for mouthwash. The promotion goals include the establishment of extraction methods, antibacterial testing, and formula design testing.
This research is to develop diagnostic reagents for animals. Animal diagnostic reagents are mainly for the detection of disease, vaccine efficacy, differential diagnosis of immune animals and naturally infected animals. Testing reagent products are mainly and early diagnostic monitoring infected or diseased animals, for processing isolation or treatment which can quickly control epidemics and avoid major domestic economic losses due to wide outbreaks of infection
This research is to develop diagnostic reagents for animals. Animal diagnostic reagents are mainly for the detection of disease, vaccine efficacy, differential diagnosis of immune animals and naturally infected animals. Testing reagent products are mainly and early diagnostic monitoring infected or diseased animals, for processing isolation or treatment which can quickly control epidemics and avoid major domestic economic losses due to wide outbreaks of infection
The main objective of this heat treatment to provide a local resistance heating device with shielding gas control, which can provide the shielding gas to a treated portion of a workpiece only
The main objective of this heat treatment to provide a local resistance heating device with shielding gas control, which can provide the shielding gas to a treated portion of a workpiece only
Milk, meat, eggs and other livestock products are important sources of protein for Chinese people. The issue of animal husbandry feed management is directly related to industrial benefits, and it is also a national security issue that affects the health of the Chinese people. The present invention aims to develop a set of multi-functional feed feeding management system through the application of innovative technology, combined with novel and practical design, so as to realize automatic monitoring of feed barrel filling and unloading operations, and automatic feed measurement; data management information- The previous feeding data and control information are electronic; the system monitoring is mobile – the system operation control and management (data query and control parameter setting) are carried out through mobile phones and computers; the operation interface is graphical – combined with the electronic map, and the relevant data can be inquired by touch; Graphical output – The evaluation results are output in a graph, which is easy to interpret and speed up decision-making.
Milk, meat, eggs and other livestock products are important sources of protein for Chinese people. The issue of animal husbandry feed management is directly related to industrial benefits, and it is also a national security issue that affects the health of the Chinese people. The present invention aims to develop a set of multi-functional feed feeding management system through the application of innovative technology, combined with novel and practical design, so as to realize automatic monitoring of feed barrel filling and unloading operations, and automatic feed measurement; data management information- The previous feeding data and control information are electronic; the system monitoring is mobile – the system operation control and management (data query and control parameter setting) are carried out through mobile phones and computers; the operation interface is graphical – combined with the electronic map, and the relevant data can be inquired by touch; Graphical output – The evaluation results are output in a graph, which is easy to interpret and speed up decision-making.
The traditionally used plastic sheet (agricultural mulch film ) is not a general waste and is difficult to recycle. It is easily broken and left in the farmland when it is replaced, and the removal process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. When the crops are harvested, they remain in the soil and are difficult to degrade cause pollution and damage. Therefore, in order to prevent the increase of global warming, the plastic reduction policy and the 2050 global net zero carbon emission target have become an irreversible trend. Therefore, the development of biodegradable agricultural mulch film has become the primary agricultural material at this stage to replace the traditional non-decomposable plastic agricultural mulch film, which can create a two win strategy for agricultural and forestry waste recycling economy and environmental protection issues.
The traditionally used plastic sheet (agricultural mulch film ) is not a general waste and is difficult to recycle. It is easily broken and left in the farmland when it is replaced, and the removal process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. When the crops are harvested, they remain in the soil and are difficult to degrade cause pollution and damage. Therefore, in order to prevent the increase of global warming, the plastic reduction policy and the 2050 global net zero carbon emission target have become an irreversible trend. Therefore, the development of biodegradable agricultural mulch film has become the primary agricultural material at this stage to replace the traditional non-decomposable plastic agricultural mulch film, which can create a two win strategy for agricultural and forestry waste recycling economy and environmental protection issues.
This project aims to analyze the origin of pollens collected by the honey bees in this farm in order to know the types of plants and weeds in the tropical orchard that can be a safe food source for honey bees. Secondly, this project aims to develop and promote bee pollens as a high-quality organic product produced in smart agricultural center. Thirdly, we hope to promote the benefits of beekeeping in conjunction with organic farming. Lastly, we hope to promote and develop more bee products under the cooperation between smart agricultural center and honey bee farm in the future.
This project aims to analyze the origin of pollens collected by the honey bees in this farm in order to know the types of plants and weeds in the tropical orchard that can be a safe food source for honey bees. Secondly, this project aims to develop and promote bee pollens as a high-quality organic product produced in smart agricultural center. Thirdly, we hope to promote the benefits of beekeeping in conjunction with organic farming. Lastly, we hope to promote and develop more bee products under the cooperation between smart agricultural center and honey bee farm in the future.
The COVID-19 epidemic that started in 2019 has swept the world and continues to today. The domestic epidemic began in May 2021. For the universities, students come from all over the counties in Taiwan, and mobile is often the key factor for the spread of the epidemic. Therefore, a non-passive epidemic prevention action in large classrooms is particularly important. This technology is to develop PM2.5 hotspots analysis technology in large indoor spaces, and propose a feasible non-passive epidemic prevention action for the clustering effect of large indoor spaces.
The COVID-19 epidemic that started in 2019 has swept the world and continues to today. The domestic epidemic began in May 2021. For the universities, students come from all over the counties in Taiwan, and mobile is often the key factor for the spread of the epidemic. Therefore, a non-passive epidemic prevention action in large classrooms is particularly important. This technology is to develop PM2.5 hotspots analysis technology in large indoor spaces, and propose a feasible non-passive epidemic prevention action for the clustering effect of large indoor spaces.
By integrating the measured location, the electronic map and the measurement value through the mobile APP, the measurement will be much easier to read and distinguish. Experimental results indicated the feasibility, validity and reliability of the proposed system.
By integrating the measured location, the electronic map and the measurement value through the mobile APP, the measurement will be much easier to read and distinguish. Experimental results indicated the feasibility, validity and reliability of the proposed system.
In 2021, there were 12 million lightning strikes around, concentrated in the western coastal areas. In 2019, under the influence of the strong southwest monsoon, thunderstorms on the southern platform were more frequent. Lightning strikes were on the rise in Taiwan. Last year, Taipower detected 40,161 lightning strikes on the island of Taiwan, an average of 4.5 strikes per hour. Since 2005, the number of people killed by lightning strikes in India has been increasing . On average, lightning kills at least 2,000 people across India every year, according to BBC statistics. It increased to 2,885 in 2017 and 2,357 in 2018. The time point was concentrated in the season of May-June.
In 2021, there were 12 million lightning strikes around, concentrated in the western coastal areas. In 2019, under the influence of the strong southwest monsoon, thunderstorms on the southern platform were more frequent. Lightning strikes were on the rise in Taiwan. Last year, Taipower detected 40,161 lightning strikes on the island of Taiwan, an average of 4.5 strikes per hour. Since 2005, the number of people killed by lightning strikes in India has been increasing . On average, lightning kills at least 2,000 people across India every year, according to BBC statistics. It increased to 2,885 in 2017 and 2,357 in 2018. The time point was concentrated in the season of May-June.
Recently, due to the fact that beans are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins and essential amino acids, Taiwanese people have become more aware of their health and pay great attention to their daily diet. However, the main material, flour, is mainly made of wheat and contains gluten, which cannot be eaten by some people with allergies. Therefore, we want to develop gluten-free bean noodle products by combining red bean, mung bean and black bean with other raw materials through extrusion processing technology, in order to create a new product for the vegetarian market and provide consumers with a new choice of daily meal.
Recently, due to the fact that beans are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins and essential amino acids, Taiwanese people have become more aware of their health and pay great attention to their daily diet. However, the main material, flour, is mainly made of wheat and contains gluten, which cannot be eaten by some people with allergies. Therefore, we want to develop gluten-free bean noodle products by combining red bean, mung bean and black bean with other raw materials through extrusion processing technology, in order to create a new product for the vegetarian market and provide consumers with a new choice of daily meal.
Milk, meat, eggs and other livestock products are important sources of protein for Chinese people. The issue of animal husbandry feed management is directly related to industrial benefits, and it is also a national security issue that affects the health of the Chinese people. The present invention aims to develop a set of multi-functional feed feeding management system through the application of innovative technology, combined with novel and practical design, so as to realize automatic monitoring of feed barrel filling and unloading operations, and automatic feed measurement; data management information- The previous feeding data and control information are electronic; the system monitoring is mobile – the system operation control and management (data query and control parameter setting) are carried out through mobile phones and computers; the operation interface is graphical – combined with the electronic map, and the relevant data can be inquired by touch; Graphical output – The evaluation results are output in a graph, which is easy to interpret and speed up decision-making.
Milk, meat, eggs and other livestock products are important sources of protein for Chinese people. The issue of animal husbandry feed management is directly related to industrial benefits, and it is also a national security issue that affects the health of the Chinese people. The present invention aims to develop a set of multi-functional feed feeding management system through the application of innovative technology, combined with novel and practical design, so as to realize automatic monitoring of feed barrel filling and unloading operations, and automatic feed measurement; data management information- The previous feeding data and control information are electronic; the system monitoring is mobile – the system operation control and management (data query and control parameter setting) are carried out through mobile phones and computers; the operation interface is graphical – combined with the electronic map, and the relevant data can be inquired by touch; Graphical output – The evaluation results are output in a graph, which is easy to interpret and speed up decision-making.
The decentralized technology combined with the micro-lubrication system is different from the micro-lubrication system. A small amount of cutting fluid is atomized by high-pressure air and then sent to the cutting area. The ultra-sonic atomized micro-lubrication system designed by this technology uses high-frequency vibration to divide the nanofluid into very tiny oil droplets and then uses high-pressure air to send out through the nozzle so that the smaller oil droplets can enter the cutting area more easily. Better cooling and lubrication effect. This method can also greatly reduce the energy consumption caused by the recycling of cutting fluid and the long-term operation of the cutting fluid pump of the micro-machine tool machine.
The decentralized technology combined with the micro-lubrication system is different from the micro-lubrication system. A small amount of cutting fluid is atomized by high-pressure air and then sent to the cutting area. The ultra-sonic atomized micro-lubrication system designed by this technology uses high-frequency vibration to divide the nanofluid into very tiny oil droplets and then uses high-pressure air to send out through the nozzle so that the smaller oil droplets can enter the cutting area more easily. Better cooling and lubrication effect. This method can also greatly reduce the energy consumption caused by the recycling of cutting fluid and the long-term operation of the cutting fluid pump of the micro-machine tool machine.
The analysis technology for detecting mango allergen content established in this project not only shortens the analysis time and can detect mango allergen content, but also simplifies the operation steps due to the characteristics of the instrument itself, while reducing the amount of reagents and reducing The time spent on sample preprocessing can help improve assay performance.
The analysis technology for detecting mango allergen content established in this project not only shortens the analysis time and can detect mango allergen content, but also simplifies the operation steps due to the characteristics of the instrument itself, while reducing the amount of reagents and reducing The time spent on sample preprocessing can help improve assay performance.
The study is to develop an ice shovel with the adjustable function. There will be an adjustment button on the handle of the ice shovel. The user is able to accurately adjust the amount of ice for the customer’s required ice level preference and pour into the shaker cup. It is unnecessary to pour out the excess for ice less or ice free. Without discarding the excess ice cubes, the hand-shank beverage shops save more of the production cost and the water source. Most important, the adjustable ice shovel can improve the beverage maker’s efficiency and speed. The disadvantage for the ice shovel will be solved.
The study is to develop an ice shovel with the adjustable function. There will be an adjustment button on the handle of the ice shovel. The user is able to accurately adjust the amount of ice for the customer’s required ice level preference and pour into the shaker cup. It is unnecessary to pour out the excess for ice less or ice free. Without discarding the excess ice cubes, the hand-shank beverage shops save more of the production cost and the water source. Most important, the adjustable ice shovel can improve the beverage maker’s efficiency and speed. The disadvantage for the ice shovel will be solved.
This innovative stud welding method, including preparing a fastener having a welding portion; preparing a metal workpiece having a welding zone; coating an ignition flux onto the welding zone of the metal workpiece, positioning the welding portion of the fastener in firm contact with the welding zone of the metal workpiece, and then providing an electric current to the fastener; separating the fastener and the metal workpiece to draw an electric arc between the fastener and the metal workpiece until the welding portion of the fastener, said ignition flux, and the welding zone of the metal workpiece are melted; and applying a mechanical force to plunge the welding portion of the fastener into the welding zone of the metal workpiece. As such, the fastener can be directly connected with the metal workpiece without the need of inserting an ignition tip into the welding portion of a fastener. The complicated steps and high cost for inserting the ignition tip can be avoided, improving the welding efficiency, and reducing the cost of production.
This innovative stud welding method, including preparing a fastener having a welding portion; preparing a metal workpiece having a welding zone; coating an ignition flux onto the welding zone of the metal workpiece, positioning the welding portion of the fastener in firm contact with the welding zone of the metal workpiece, and then providing an electric current to the fastener; separating the fastener and the metal workpiece to draw an electric arc between the fastener and the metal workpiece until the welding portion of the fastener, said ignition flux, and the welding zone of the metal workpiece are melted; and applying a mechanical force to plunge the welding portion of the fastener into the welding zone of the metal workpiece. As such, the fastener can be directly connected with the metal workpiece without the need of inserting an ignition tip into the welding portion of a fastener. The complicated steps and high cost for inserting the ignition tip can be avoided, improving the welding efficiency, and reducing the cost of production.
High-resolution melting analysis (HRMA) is a post-PCR analytical methodology used for identifying mutations or SNPs in nucleic acid sequences. In this project, we developed the molecular technic to specific clustering methodology of Vibrio harveyi, as an important pathogen in aquaculture, using PCR-HRMA analysis.
High-resolution melting analysis (HRMA) is a post-PCR analytical methodology used for identifying mutations or SNPs in nucleic acid sequences. In this project, we developed the molecular technic to specific clustering methodology of Vibrio harveyi, as an important pathogen in aquaculture, using PCR-HRMA analysis.
This technique of making An-Dori is conducted by using Adzuki beans from Pingtung as material, and try to increase their total phenolic content, total free amino acids and SOD-like activity through biochemical transformation and drying. The individual type of phenolic compounds and amino acids, especially BCAA, were further analyzed by HPLC to confirmed their effect on nutritional enhancement. Hopefully, the high phytochemicals and SOD-like activity may be served as the nutrient supplement and enhance the physical strength especially for aged people.
This technique of making An-Dori is conducted by using Adzuki beans from Pingtung as material, and try to increase their total phenolic content, total free amino acids and SOD-like activity through biochemical transformation and drying. The individual type of phenolic compounds and amino acids, especially BCAA, were further analyzed by HPLC to confirmed their effect on nutritional enhancement. Hopefully, the high phytochemicals and SOD-like activity may be served as the nutrient supplement and enhance the physical strength especially for aged people.